Finally New Year have arrive, So Happy new year to everybody. New year comes but seem like i were not that happy as before for a few days. But Now here I am , Sophoan who will forget all the past bad memories. Deleted all those bad memories out from my head and heart. Start a new day with new thing. Start a New days with a good memory cause just want to live in happy life. So yeah dear friend
seila cheer up and start a new happy day together. Let drive this car together to the happy world.
Yeah.. Dun u see me~! I'm already in d car...Ready to drive u to anywhere... But just make sure that you hab to pay fro Petrol, since I'm d one who's driving ok~ hehehe...
Million thx 4everything a pouk mak :-* Love ya lots
Okie... no problem i will pay for it. Just make sure u will drive as stable as u can do ok ? so that i will not need to feel dizzzzy or vomit at all. hehe... Love you too dearest. All the best to us and hope we will keep the piece of this car well till the day when we old and we meet and bring it to combine together again. remember? 2nd of December is the day that i gave u one side of it so that day will bcome our friendship love memory. and maybe we should celebrate our love anniversary na dear? :-*:-*:-*
It's ok. It's nice. :-)
back here again as well because i forget to say one of my sentence " Always miss you"
To Boss VC: show off....Ders ders........(>!<)
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